
Join The Chai club, Today!

  • The Chai Club is a group of caring and involved people who want to give the Kirkland community the gift of joyful Judaism.

    Chai means life. The heart does one thing. It pumps. We often don’t think about the things that keep us alive. But they are so very important. The Chai Club consists of individuals committed to the health and stability of Chabad.

    Every month your donation will  join those of others to create a lifestream of financial stability for Chabad. You will be giving the Kirkland Jewish community a place to explore, increase and express their Jewishness.

    Say Chai to Chabad  by becoming a partner in our educational and humanitarian programs.  

    Joining the Ch ai Club  with a commitment to a monthly donation in a multiple of 18, or Chai, will help us sustain and grow our programs.

    (We want everyone to be able to join the club, so even if you can't afford $18 a month, do whatever amount you can, $5 or $500 a month, $10 or $1000 a month, and may G‑d bless you to have more.

  • 0/100
  • Please note: your card will be charged the first month with the submission of this form. If you would like your donation to be charged on a different day of the month, please specify in the comments. 

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    Rabbi will reach out to you in the next few days
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Thank You to our Chai Club members!

Dr. Mitch Marder & Dr. Carla Bradshaw

Levi & Tzivi Ezagui 

Mr. Shlomo Boaron

Tziki & Etka Raichik

David & Sigalit Amar

Levi & Chani Deren

Binyomin & Gavi Groverman

Mr. Shmuel Baibeach

Mr. Yoseph Kopman

Mr. Mordechai & Rivka Rivkin 

Mr. Alex Yoselevitch

Mr. Chaim & Mushkie Sasonkin

Mr. Baruch Edelkopf

Mr. Gadi Goldwyn